What we offer

We offer a variety of financial products and services to help you reach your goals. Our team is enthusiastically committed to creating a financial strategy customized entirely to you.

Estate and financial planning

We help individuals ensure that their assets are protected, and their financial goals are achieved, during and after their lifetime.

Life and health insurance

This includes all types of life insurance, critical illness insurance, disability insurance, personal health insurance and long-term insurance.

Investment strategies

We can help make strategic plans for your investment solutions including mutual funds*, registered accounts (RRSPs, TFSAs, RESPs*, pensions, etc.), and more.

Business solutions

This includes group benefits, key person insurance, pension planning and corporate investment strategies.


We can connect you with external specialists in regard to mortgages, general insurance, accounting, legal and private banking.

* Mutual Funds distributed by Sun Life Financial Investment Services (Canada) Inc.

**Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) issued by Sun Life Financial Trust Inc.